Wednesday, June 13, 2007

TMI Tuesday #4 (for me)

1. What is the meanest thing you've ever done/said to a lover/loved one?

"I don't want to be with you any more."

2. Have you ever had sex on an elevator?

YES! We were in one of those elevators that goes up the outside of the building and is made almost totally of windows so that you can look out at the city below. It was night so we could see all of the city lights. We punched the stop button between the 82nd and 83rd floors. She grabbed the railing and bent over. Her denim skirt lifted easily. She had no underwear. The sex was sweet.

3. Have you ever lied about a rash and said it was a birthmark? OR Have you ever lied about a birthmark and said it was a rash?


4. Have you ever had sex on a beach or in the water at a beach/pool?

YES! Both. Santa Barbara, CA during a plankton bloom. As we dove into the ocean, naked, the water sparkled bluish-purple around us. Then we discovered that if we caressed each other, the water on our bodies glowed. We did a lot of glowing after that.

I have a swimming pool and it has seen a fair amount of sexual activity.

5. How old are you? How old do you feel?

I'm 57. I feel 40. I think it's the martial arts that is helping.

6. Have you or your partner been injured so badly during sex that you/they had to go to the hospital?


7. Have you been to a strip club or "titty bar"? (Hooters does NOT count.) If so, did you get a lap dance?

I confess. I love lap dances.

Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever had a "blog crush" (i.e., a crush on someone, of whatever gender, that you haven't met in person but only know through their blog)? Who? (Link, please, if you dare!)

I have one right now. But she's married. So am I. It will forever remain a crush. Do you hear me Jeannie?


Anonymous said...

Those are great answers :) I just didn't have the heart for TMI when it finally got out, it just didn't grab me this week...

Anonymous said...

I'm OK darling and I've just done a huge post detailing my sad adventures :)