Tuesday, June 5, 2007

TMI Tuesday #3

1. Should guys wear pink?

It's not so much "should" guys wear pink. I just think they should feel ok about wearing pink. I've seen some guys who look really good in pink. Hell, I've worn pink and have not felt any less masculine.

2. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?

Depends on what I'm kissing. No really, I can kiss with eyes open or closed. Both have their advantages. There are times when I really want to see what/who I'm kissing and there are times when I just want to get into the "feel" of the act.

3. What is the first "non-physical" feature you tend to notice about a person you find attractive?

Definitely their intelligence and sense of humor. Hopefully both are present in ample amounts.

4. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?


5. Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex?


Bonus (as in optional): If you could say anything you wanted anonymously to anyone, without identifying that person, what would you say?

This truly depends on the person. There are those that I have wanted to excoriate for a long time and would love the chance.

Then there are those about whom I've had some pretty graphic fantasies about what I would like to enjoy doing with them. Would it surprise you to know that these are sexual in nature? And again, I would love the chance to express my desires. Dare I even wish that they might share those desires and we could, like, wander off and....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, yes yes to the bonus answer! They were all great answers though :) Happy Tuesday! I'm on a roll today - in about another 5 mns I'm starting a big post :) I adore your flower macros after this post by the way - they're so vivid and alive!