Monday, June 18, 2007


My father is dying. I called yesterday to wish him Happy Father's Day. He couldn't even finish the conversation. My mother had to take the phone out of his hands. My father and I have had a difficult relationship over the years. In a way I'm surprised that I feel the imminent loss so intensely. I've already cried three times this morning. That's three more times than I've cried in the past 30 years. On the other hand, I'm not surprised. While the relationship has been difficult, it has had moments of great intensity. Feelings have run high. I need to visit with him at least one more time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I lost my daddy in '98. It was different I guess because we'd always been thick as theives but I know the pain, write me if you need to hun, I'm here. These many years later and I still cry for my dad at least once a week even if very few know...