Saturday, April 21, 2007

I Ching

I've been using the I Ching for many years whenever I want to contemplate a path to follow. I threw one tonight with the thought "How to escape depression". The translation that I am currently using calls the hexagram I threw "Long Lasting". In other translations it has been called "Duration" and "The Long Enduring". Every hexagram has a Judgement/Decision and most have Commentaries from later authors such as Confucius. There is also an image/symbol.

Long Lasting.
Prosperous and smooth.
No fault.
Favorable to be steadfast and upright.
Favorable to have somewhere to go.

Part of the Commentary of the Decision (I've been pretty free about what to include)
Be gentle and in motion.
The firm and the gentle respond.
This signifies Long Lasting.

Long Lasting brings success; there is no fault.
It is favorable to be steadfast and upright.
This indicates that Long Lasting accords with the Tao.
The Tao of Heaven and Earth is long lasting; it never ends.

It is favorable to go somewhere.
An end is always followed by a new beginning.

Contemplate the Tao of Long Lasting,
To see the nature of Heaven and Earth and of all things.

Commentary on the Symbol
The union of Thunder and Wind.
An image of Long Lasting.
In correspondence with this,
The superior person stands firm without changing aim.

I think this hexagram sends a pretty clear message. Remain focused on what I want to accomplish and move steadily toward my goal. The theme of "Just Keep Doing" is reinforced here. The power of the Tao is with me. This is encouraging.

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