Thursday, August 30, 2007

HNT #?

My camera's battery died just as I was going to attempt a more creative HNT shot. Had a concept that was only a little bit racy. In lieu of that, I thought this picture might provide a racy thought or two for the more imaginative viewer. After all, it is one of my flowers.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It just keeps coming

Let's count. In 2007 I've experienced 3 deaths; my aunt, my wife's grandmother, and my father. Last week we were warned that my wife might have ovarian cancer. Monster fear factor sets in. I really felt sorry for her. But I don't think I dealt with it very well either. One of the tests that finally came in yesterday gave us some reason for hope and we now feel like we can move forward again. Other tests still coming.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Making Progress

And how am I progressing toward limiting the use of alcohol in my life and bringing together the parts of me that have fallen behind? I'm getting there. The death of my father brought the drinking back into my life and for a couple of weeks it was starting to become as serious as it was before. Then, thank goodness, I have been able to start limiting the amount. I do feel better as a result. The death of my father has also given me a new perspective on what's important. Am now exercising every evening, even if it's just a 20 minute walk after dinner. Am back to reading books on religious/spiritual topics. Am talking to a psychologist about bringing together my physical, mental, and spiritual realms. As a result, I am beginning to feel the extremes coming together. The past person who was driving for that ever more prestigious position at work is coming closer to the person who loves family, friends, the arts, and spirituality. This is really starting to feel good! I'm beginning to hope, even think, that I can be whole again.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


It may not be me, but I think it looks a little better than I do this morning. Although, maybe next week I'll post something a little racier. Thought of a shot that might be fun.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

TMI Tuesday 8/14/07

1. Define "infidelity" as it relates to a relationship. Have you ever been guilty of infidelity? Have you ever been the victim of infidelity? Have you ever been a participant in someone else's infidelity?

Infidelity = allowing your heart and/or body to wander away from the relationship you are, supposedly, committed to. I have been guilty of infidelity at times when the primary relationship was going through hard times. I am not proud. I have been the victim of infidelity several times. It always leaves me with mixed feelings. Yes, I have participated in someone else's infidelity. One of those times is worth exposing here. I started seeing this woman regularly. We met once a week, usually on Wednesday evening. I didn't think much of that at the time until one Wednesday she told me she couldn't meet me the next Wednesday but would be able to the week after. She was going on her honeymoon and while she would be gone the next week, she would be back in time for the following week.

2. What is the last thing you stole?

Stealing is something I do not do. Just recently I was at a shoe store and was all the way out to the parking lot before I realized that I had a box of shoes in my hand. Went right back and turned them in.

3. Name on place in your country that you have never been but would like to visit and why.

I've never been to Alaska and would love to explore the coastline. The stark beauty of it as shown in pictures is a strong pull.

4. When movies can you watch over and over again?

I confess, most James Bond movies, the Mask of Zorro, etc.

5. Who is the last person you saw naked?

My wife.

Bonus (as in optional): In honor of the 237 reasons we have sex study. Tell us at least five but not more than ten reason you have had sex.

I was horny.
She was beautiful and sexy.
I was in love.
I was horny.
Cuddling just led to sex.
Wanted to make a baby.
I was horny.
It was a fantasy come true.
It was a challenge.

Monday, August 13, 2007


I've been gone for awhile. My father died. I received the call one morning that if I wanted to see him alive I had to run, drive, fly as soon as I could. Made it in time to tell him the things I needed to say. He died that night.

It's been harder than I thought it would be. We had a complex relationship. I'm not sure we could have ever found agreement on many things. It's probably just good that, at the end, we both knew we loved each other and that I had only positive thoughts about him.

I cried. More often than I have in all my previous years of life. I'll miss him. I'll look forward to seeing him, if, hopefully, I end up where he did.